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Home » Chamber Turkey Drive raises $53,000

Posted: December 13, 2017

Chamber Turkey Drive raises $53,000

The 2017 Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce Turkey Drive has been declared an overwhelming success with donations reaching almost $54,000 at the conclusion of the annual fund raising day.

The money garnered is split between the Cranbrook Food Bank and the Salvation Army to assist each organization’s Christmas hamper program. The Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce organizes, processes, and facilitates the Turkey Drive ensuring that 100% of the monies donated goes to the two charities.

“Every year I am just so impressed with the generosity of Cranbrook residents,” said Turkey Drive chair Jason Wheeldon, aka the Head Turkey. “With a goal of $28,000 in 2014 to now reach $53,000 this year is astonishing.  With this year’s campaign we have now topped $330,000 raised through the Turkey Drive.”

“Over 600 individual donors contributed to this year’s drive. We had a fair number of large corporate donations however the majority of the money was made up of $20 here and $40 there,” said Wheeldon.

The Turkey Drive culminated with a one day all out push Thursday, December 7 that saw the chamber office flooded with Little Pluckers working the phones to bring in donations.

Wheeldon explained the community-wide scope of the project. “This is a coming together of the business community organized by the Chamber of Commerce to ask not only fellow business folks to help those that need a hand up but to ask the entire community. It gladdened my heart to see the little five-year-old who had emptied his piggy bank come to the chamber office to donate his money to help make a difference.

“This year’s Turkey Drive donations will go a long way to taking the pressure off the Cranbrook Food Bank and the Salvation Army.  The need is year-round.  We are glad to help for December.”

The Head Turkey said the success of the Chamber Turkey Drive would not be possible without the tireless efforts of his Little Pluckers.

“These are a group of well known locals from different sectors who work their contact lists with vigour. The collective efforts of the Little Pluckers create our success.”

The top fundraiser is recognized as the Chief Turkey. This year, for the third consecutive year, Karin Penner was presented with the coveted Turkey Mirror Trophy for her efforts in soliciting over $17,200 in donations.

“While many Little Pluckers were bringing in hundreds or thousands of dollars at a go Karin brought in a multitude of $20 donations.  She pulled in donations from literally across Canada, the United States and even solicited monies from England.  She is absolutely remarkable in her tireless effort and devotion to our community,” said Wheeldon.

Additional donations are expected right up to Christmas. Those still wishing to donate can go to the chamber website,, stop by the Chamber office, or call 250-426-5914.

Lead image: Jason Wheeldon, left, presents Karin Penner with her third straight Turkey Mirror Trophy for capturing the most donations ($17,200) in this year’s Turkey Drive. Carrie Schafer and Ian Cobb/e-KNOW images and videos

Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce

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