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Posted: March 18, 2022

CHCA elects new Board of Directors

The Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary (CHCA) elected a new Board and announced their new Executive Directors at their annual general meeting held at the Heritage Inn March 14.

The 11-member Board of Directors serve a two-year term, with four Directors elected and two Directors appointed annually.

The three new Directors and one incumbent who were elected are, Dianne Camilli, Sandy Savarie, Linda Foster and incumbent Anne Little.

The Executive Directors were selected at a meeting of the new Board following the elections.

Jean Lees, will take over as President with Linda Foster as First Vice President and Odette Rouse as second Vice President. Treasurer Lynn Maffioli and Secretary Vicky Anderson will retain their current positions.

The 79 members attending the AGM thanked outgoing President Melanie Dodgson, (who is stepping down from the Board due to health reasons) for her incredible three years as President. One extra year due to Covid, and presented her with a bouquet and a video of her five years on the Board of Directors.

Outgoing Directors Lorette Ament and Linda Fedorowich who were not seeking re-election also received bouquets and applause.

Photo submitted

Cranbrook Health Care Auxiliary

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