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Home » City asks for voluntary move to Stage 2 watering restrictions

Posted: July 14, 2023

City asks for voluntary move to Stage 2 watering restrictions

The Province of British Columbia has raised the Drought Level for the entire East Kootenay region, including the City of Cranbrook, to Level Four and has requested a voluntary water use reduction of 50% by all water users effective immediately.

Drought levels across the province are at unprecedented low levels this early in the season, with many stations recording their near-lowest flow on record. With rising stream temperatures, and a lack of regular and persistent rainfall, we are being asked to work together to conserve our water. Making minor changes today can have a significant impact on making sure water is available to all of us when we need it the most.

As a result, we ask all our water customers to begin following Stage 2 watering restrictions immediately and continue to do so until further notice.

This means that we are asking that you reduce your number of watering days from three days per week to two. Even numbered properties can water Monday and Thursday, while odd numbered properties can water Tuesday and Friday between 5 and 10 a.m. or 8 to 11 p.m. No watering Sunday, Wednesday, or Saturday until further notice.

This change does not impact your ability to water your vegetable gardens or edible plants.

This is a voluntary request, however, should conditions worsen we will then require everyone follow Stage 2 restrictions or move to Stage 3 which severely restricts the use of water outdoors.

Over the next week, Public Works will be adjusting the watering schedules on city properties, parks, and sports fields to ensure we are following these changes just like you.

We will continue to closely monitor the situation in partnership with the province and will share any changes or new information with you as we move through the summer months.

During this time it is a great idea to take advantage of our free lawn and garden water assessments, offered through Teagan Lee, our 2023 Water Ambassador. She can assess your lawn and garden water needs and help you adjust your manual or automatic irrigation systems to make the best use of our water outdoors. Learn more or sign up at [email protected].

For more information about provincial drought levels in our area, you can visit the Drought Portal.

Find more information about water conservation, outdoor watering restrictions, tips on saving water indoors and outdoors.

Lead image: BC Drought Kootenay-Boundary Stream Watch Map for July 14, 2023.

City of Cranbrook

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