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Home » City passes downtown patios bylaw

Posted: July 19, 2016

City passes downtown patios bylaw

City of Cranbrook council last night unanimously adopted Downtown Seasonal Patio Bylaw No. 3860, opening the door for business owners to establish curbside patios.

Council passed the draft patio bylaw second and third readings on June 27.

At the inception of the process, city staff identified four guiding principles under which the draft bylaw was created: affordability, consistency, options and limiting liability to the city.

“I am glad this has finally come to fruition,” said Coun. Tom Shypitka. While noting the summer is slipping past, Shypitka said he’s hopeful some business owners will seize the opportunity and take a “trial run” and prepare for next year.

City planner Rob Veg told council he has yet to field any interest from business owners himself but believed a couple of inquiries were handled by city front desk staff.

Veg said with approval of the bylaw, pertinent information about patios will be posted on the city’s website today (July 19).

Along with approving seasonal patios in the downtown, council also set the date of September 15 as the deadline for businesses that currently have a patio on public lands to obtain a patio permit and enter into a Seasonal Patio Licence of Occupation with the city.

Lead image: The City of Fernie has allowed downtown patios for three years now. Ian Cobb/e-KNOW photo

Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

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