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Home » City recognized for greenhouse gas reduction efforts

Posted: January 28, 2025

City recognized for greenhouse gas reduction efforts

The City of Cranbrook has been recognized for its continued efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while implementing climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives by both the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and Local Governments for Sustainability Canada (ICLEI).

During Monday evening’s council meeting, city administration announced that Cranbrook achieved Milestone 4 in the Partners for Climate Protection Program (PCP), a program the city has been part of since 2017.

The PCP Program uses a five-milestone framework to help members create and implement greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction action plans at both the community and corporate levels.

“The efforts that all of our staff and departments have made it possible for the city to achieve this Milestone 4 recognition, and on behalf of council I want to thank them for this important work,” said Mayor Wayne Price.

The Milestone 4 recognition was achieved through several community-level initiatives, including the completion of the Active Transportation Plan and the regional transit study.

Additional efforts included promoting micro e-mobility with an e-Scooter pilot program (pictured above), ongoing water conservation initiatives, and encouraging car-free events by providing transit access for local events like Rock the Kootenays, Spirit of the Rockies, and the provincial election day.

Corporately, the city completed key activities such as optimizing HVAC systems, transitioning to electric vehicles by replacing aging light-duty vehicles, finalizing the Water Supply Master Plan, and advancing FireSmart education and wildfire mitigation efforts.

Additionally, emission reduction initiatives were integrated into operations and corporate policies.

The PCP program is a national network of over 500 local governments focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and implementing climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives.

These efforts aim to lower operational expenses and energy costs, boost local economic investment, and enhance community health and well-being.

Learn more about the PCP Program.

City of Cranbrook file photo

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