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Home » Club urges trail users to respect private land closure

Posted: April 24, 2023

Club urges trail users to respect private land closure

The following was posted on social media by the Wildhorse Cycling Club Board of Directors.

The Wildhorse Cycling Club has issued a public statement outlining changes to the public use of the trail network that has been developed on private lands.

The trails are located on the eastern border of the Cranbrook Community Forest lands. Primarily extending eastward from the powerline that runs north south, but extending below the powerlines in some areas. The private land area is clearly outlined on trail maps and on the trailforks app.

As a result of unauthorized activity that has contributed to higher liability risk, there is no longer permission to use the trails or otherwise on the private lands at this time.

This decision will be revisited next spring. Any bikers or others using the trails will be unlawfully trespassing.

The Wildhorse Cycling Club will unequivocally abide by the landowners’ request and is taking the necessary steps to inform the public of the changes and clearly mark boundaries separating the public Cranbrook Community Forest and the private lands.

The Wildhorse Cycling Club is asking that our membership, as well as the general public, respect the current decision and spend time exploring the many other riding trails in the area. It is important for us all to remember that these lands are privately owned, and that the owner has been graciously allowing access for public use, with no personal benefit.

Efforts are ongoing to seek resolution to the matter at hand and we hope new opportunities will present themselves in a year’s time.

Respecting the current situation will be an act of solidarity in building a community that is respectful, and mutually beneficial for all stakeholders.

The Wildhorse Cycling Club

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