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Home Ā» Coldest Night of Year is Feb. 24

Posted: February 15, 2024

Coldest Night of Year is Feb. 24

TheĀ Coldest Night of the YearĀ (CNOY) is a family-friendly walk in support of local charities serving people experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.

Join us on February 24Ā  – team up, fundraise, walk, and take a moment to look closer… because itā€™s cold out there.

Teams are forming and challenges are made in an attempt to raise funds and awareness, with the annual Cranbrook event organized by Community Connections Society (CCS), a non-profit society offering over 25 programs from prenatal to seniors.

Times are tough, and more and more people are finding themselves experiencing diverse needs, CCS is committed to meeting individual needs with quality services.

With help from caring people like you, we can be more flexible in how we support and meet the unique and growing needs of individuals in our community. Your contribution goes a long way to help a person in need.

Last yearā€™s funds met a range of needs, like groceries to struggling families, safe places to stay for women fleeing violence, damage deposits or utilities to the elderly and under-housed, finances for specific needs like medication, and specialized feeding supplies for a baby.

When all other funding avenues have been exhausted our CNOY funds meet real needs.

The funds will stay local, addressing the needs of our community members whose situation may not fit within standard supports and services. Affordable housing for seniors and childcare have been an identified need in our community and we are working to address this. Together we can continue to make a positive impact on our community!

All walkers participating on Saturday, February 24, must check-in upon arrival.

Fundraising walkers who raise $150+ (or $75+ for those under 18) will receive a CNOY toqueĀ as a thank you on event day, while supplies last.

OffsiteĀ fundraising walkers can contact their local event director to arrange toque pickup the week of the event.

All participants mustĀ register onlineĀ and accept the electronic waiver.

Thank you to all of those who are participating, donating, volunteering, and supporting this amazing event!

Click here to register and to learn more.


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