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Posted: November 15, 2015

Corrosive and intolerant negativity on display

Letter to the Editor

Apparently, the result of the recent federal election in Kootenay-Columbia has displeased Igor Gallyamov.

His letter, published recently both online and in hard copy, contained yet another attack on NDP MP Wayne Stetski, borne this time on the wings of a rumour which, Igor insists, has just surfaced.

The tone of Igor’s correspondence suggests a high degree of personal animosity. It also places him neck-deep among those who wallow in the corrosive and intolerant negativity, which is at very core of Harperite conservatism.

Like many others, he finds it impossible to accept the fact that his Conservative decade of political preening and triumphalist gloating over the perceived demise of a democratic and inclusive Canada, is over.

As it happens, Mr. Stetski was Manager of Provincial Parks for the Kootenays when Michel Trudeau died in an avalanche in Kokanee Glacier Park, and shared with the Trudeau family in raising $1.1 million to sustain the Canadian Avalanche Association.

And so, because of this acquaintanceship, the rumour (which has just surfaced, according to Igor) is that Mr. Stetski will cross the floor of the House of Commons to sit on the Liberal benches. Naturally, he does not tell us that the rumour is groundless, unsubstantiated and is denied implicitly by Mr. Stetski.

There is, however, another rumour (which has just surfaced) that Igor himself fabricated the anti-Stetski rumour. To disabuse us of this suspicion, perhaps he could tell us the truth and reveal his sources.

Otherwise some of your readers might give credence to a further rumour (which has just surfaced) that Igor wouldn’t recognise the truth if it fell into his soup.

JC Vallance,


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