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Home » Council considers closing part of 1st Street S

Posted: February 11, 2025

Council considers closing part of 1st Street S

To address traffic safety, current engineering safety standards for roads, and to reduce the risk of accidents, 1st Street South between Victoria Avenue and 23 Avenue South is proposed to permanently close.

On Monday night (Feb. 10), City of Cranbrook administration shared information with council about the safety of 1st Street South and proposed a plan for council to consider around leaving a pathway in place to ensure continued public access to Rotary Way along Victoria Avenue.

The proposed process would also include preparing the remaining property for a potential sale or to attract a low-income rental provider to develop housing options.

Historically, 1st Street South was intended as a temporary access road for the subdivision (Victoria Avenue) when it was established in 1973. With additional access routes becoming available in the early 1990s, the original purpose of the roadway on 1st Street South became obsolete.

The road does not meet current traffic safety standards as the road is a steep slope across a sidewalk with poor visibility, and for safely accommodating turning movements onto and off the increasingly busy Victoria Avenue. ICBC records show several collisions at this location between 2019 and 2023, with near misses and concerns also reported by the public.

“We, as a council, want to ensure we provide reliable and responsive infrastructure to the community, while working to help create a supportive environment for growth in housing, which is laid out in our Strategic Plan,” said Mayor Wayne Price.

“This change will help us to meet the growing need for lower income and high-density housing options in Cranbrook while improving traffic safety.”

Staff will be bringing forward amendments for both the Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning bylaws to designate the property for residential use at a future council meeting.

A public hearing for the proposed road closure is scheduled for Monday, February 24, at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.

Following the public hearing, council will consider adoption of the bylaw at a later date.

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