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Council sets table for 2018
City of Cranbrook council last night established meeting dates and other annual appointments for the New Year – 2018.
January 8, January 22, February 5, February 26, March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23, May 7, May 28, June 11, June 25, July 16, September 17, October 1, November 5, November 26, December 10.
Note: There are no meetings in August to allow for a summer break for council and city staff.
Council also established acting mayor appointments for the final year of this current council’s term, with: Coun. Isaac Hockley acting mayor for January 2018; Coun. Norma Blissett February and March; Coun. Ron Popoff April and May; Coun. Wes Graham June and July; Coun. Mike Peabody August; and Coun. Danielle Eaton will be acting mayor in September and October.
Acting mayors fill in when the mayor is away.
Council committee appointments were also made Monday night.
Advisory Planning Commission: Couns. Graham and Peabody.
Cranbrook Public Library Board: Coun. Blissett.
Urban Deer Management Advisory Committee: Couns. Hockley and Graham.
Heritage Committee: Coun. Eaton.
Personnel Committee (Committee of the Whole): Mayor Lee Pratt.
Cranbrook History Centre: Coun. Blissett.
Community Poverty Reduction Strategies Initiative: Coun. Popoff.
Cranbrook and District Chamber of Commerce: Coun. Popoff.
Cranbrook Tourism Society Board: Coun. Peabody.
Ktunaxa Kinbasket Treaty Advisory Committee: Coun. Eaton, with Mayor Pratt to serve as alternate.
Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Board: Mayor Pratt and Coun. Graham.
Kootenay East Regional Hospital District (KERHD) Board: Mayor Pratt and Coun. Graham.
Couns. Eaton and Popoff will serve as alternate directors.