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Home » Council tours highlight impact of drought on reservoir

Posted: September 13, 2023

Council tours highlight impact of drought on reservoir

Members of City of Cranbrook council toured through several areas of the City of Cranbrook watershed and municipal water and wastewater systems on Monday, September 11, to get a personal look at how these vital systems work. The tour also showed first-hand the impact of this summer’s drought and this past winter’s low snowpack on the Phillips Reservoir.

Council visited the Gold Creek dam and took in a short presentation by Galloway on the importance of forestry management and the impacts of the mountain pine beetle in the city’s watershed.

Council also visited the city’s sewage lagoons currently undergoing upgrade work, while getting to see the depleted water levels of the Phillips Reservoir, which provides potable water to the entire community.

Council will be having some discussions and making some decisions around the city’s water infrastructure, and the overall water consumption levels and the challenges these bring to our service of delivering water to our residents.

Getting to see the city’s watershed firsthand will go a long way in improving the understanding of council of exactly what these challenges are, and where we need to go from here.

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City of Cranbrook

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