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Home » Cranbrook Arts Celebrates Canada 150 in 2017

Posted: January 3, 2017

Cranbrook Arts Celebrates Canada 150 in 2017

Cranbrook and District Arts Council is gearing up to celebrate Canada’s big birthday for 2017.

Twelve months of exhibits with a Canada theme have been prepared, beginning January 10 with an exhibit titled, ‘Exploring the Third Dimension.’

karl-lansing-bearJanuary’s exhibit will showcase the work of Creston sculptor Karl Lansing.

Karl was commissioned by the Canadian Mint to create pieces for the Canada 150 special three dimensional coin collection (pictured above). These coins represent a sculptural celebration of Canadian icons. They will be released throughout 2017. Pictured is the first coin in the series, which sold out in record time. A selection of Karl’s work will be on display until the end of January. It includes resin as well as bronze sculptures of Canadian wildlife.

Also in the Gallery for January will be work by Cranbrook sculptor Richard Hessler. Richard is the Gallery’s feature artist of the month.

Hessler was selected to create a memorial for 913 Canadians who died on August 19, 1942, in Operation Jubilee, the raid on Dieppe, France during the Second World War. It is a piece he is currently working on. As well as three-dimensional sculpture, Richard creates many other interesting pieces of work, some of which will be showcased this month.

On January 28 and 29, well-known Jaffray wildlife and landscape artist, John de Jong will be presenting a two-day painting workshop. Register at the Gallery.

In contrast to the three-dimensional work in January, February’s exhibit is open for all members and is titled ‘Good Things Come in Small packages, The Tiny Things that Make Canada Great.’

We hope members have their thinking caps on for this one and new work for this exhibit can be brought to the Gallery during the last week of January. If you are not a member but have something to offer for this exhibit, new members are always welcome.

For all those people including many young people who have been requesting drawing classes, we are pleased to offer, ‘Drawing Techniques for Beginning Artists’, instructed by professional artist and teacher Bill McColl.

This course will run over two weekends, February 4 and 5 and February 11 and 12 from 12:30 to 4 p.m. It is open to all those 13-years and up. The fee is $60.

We look forward to another great year at 1013 Baker St. Our exhibits change monthly so there is always something new to come and view.

Cranbrook and District Arts Council

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