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Posted: December 31, 2021

Cranbrook Chamber 2021 in review

From all of us here at the Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce, we want to send out a heartfelt Thank You to all of our new and long-term members.

We value your support, feedback, and ideas – for building a better community together. We’ve had a year like no other… With sharp turns and steep drops; however, we also saw the community embrace one another, and remind us why we all choose to live and work in Cranbrook.

We invite you to explore the topics below as an opening of our year-end operation.

Business Advocacy

Letter to the Minister of Health, supported by multiple Chambers of the East and West Kootenays: Addressing mis-categorization of live theatre and cinema as events and requesting that the designation for live theatres and cinema be changed from events to business to allow these venues to submit safety plans for approval.

Letter to Minister Dix re: Third wave circuit breaker lockdown supported by 9 other Chambers in the East and West Kootenay. Calling for stronger supports from the Provincial government during this 3 rd wave of COVID-19 and its resulting restrictions to business operations.

Meeting with Minister Khalon, Minister of Jobs, Economic Recovery & Innovation: Cranbrook Chamber and other chambers from the province addressed the labor crisis, housing, transportation (commercial and tourism-related), Truth and Reconciliation, and more…

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Partnerships and Planning

Business Recovery Advisor: The intention of the BRA is to keep businesses apprised of current recovery programs and grants and work one on one with businesses to find programs that work for them and help to navigate applications.

The BRA also gathers information from businesses on the supports they require along with what supports are currently helpful and which are not, providing feedback to the Cranbrook Chamber which gets relayed to the Provincial and Federal governments through consultation with Chambers.

Truth and reconciliation: Hosted a three-workshop series with Michele Sam, in partnership with KNC, Fortis, and Teck for business on Truth and Reconciliation and the growth of Indigenous economy.

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Events and Training

  • Enneagram workshop for personal development;
  • Recruiting, Retaining, and Accessing Talented Labour Roundtable. The annual Cranbrook Business Walk has identified recruitment and retention to talented labour as a major barrier in our community.
  • Diversity in the Workplace Workshop with ITA;
  • Step Code and the Triple Bottom Line;
  • All Candidates Forum – provincial election;
  • Zoom meeting with restaurants, gym, and hotel operators about affects of proof of vaccine certificate.

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Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce

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