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Cranbrook RCMP Report
The following is a synopsis of calls reported to Cranbrook RCMP for the period between 6 a.m. August 27 to Sept. 10, at 6 a.m. (Note: two week period.)
Calls for Service: 369
One impaired driving: An impaired collision with a fence; also two 90-day prohibitions and seven other prohibitions.
Eight collisions in the city: including four in parking lots. One Motorcycle MVI where the operator sustained light injuries.
Six collisions outside the city: including a fatal ATV accident at Galloway and two others involving wildlife. One of the animal incidents led to a driver going off road and colliding with a BC Hydro guide wire.
19 driving complaints: Seven in the city and 12 outside the city.
Four hit and runs: One where the offender returned shortly after and another where a motor home collided with a sign.
18 assaults: Including four domestic assaults, one of which involved a weapon causing an injury to the victim’s eye and another where a golf club was used causing injury to the victim’s arm.
One murder: the investigation continues and the accused has been held in custody until next court appearance September 24.
21 Mental Health Act related calls.
14 thefts.
Two shoplifting.
Four thefts from auto: Including a gold backpack and lap top stolen with the lap top being turned into police shortly after; two separate stolen license plates (Ontario and B.C.); approximately $1,000 worth of tools.
Six thefts other: including a theft of unique plywood – anonymous tip identified the location and the items were recovered; theft of liquor; theft of wedding ring.
Four thefts of a bicycle: One recovered and police still looking for a black Giant Trance mountain bike from Amy Woodland school, Fluorescent orange Capix BMX bike and a DK Source bike described as bright sky blue with orange handlebars (pictured are similar bikes).
Two break and enters to residences: A table saw was stolen from a residence and tires stolen from another.
11 damage to property: including graffiti at Mt. Baker Secondary School; chicken oil dumped behind a local business; arson to three vehicles and one RV; damage to a taxi window in the commission of an assault outside a local bar; youth jumping on vehicles.
Five drug seizures: One cocaine (abandoned) and four marijuana seizures.
47 false alarms and false 911 calls.
– Sgt. Barry Graham is acting commander of Cranbrook RCMP Detachment.