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Posted: August 7, 2019

Cranbrook RCMP Report

By S/Sgt. Barry Graham

The following is a summary of some of the calls reported to Cranbrook RCMP for the period between July 29 to August 4.

Calls for Service: 232

Two impaired driving: Both 90-day immediate roadside prohibitions.

Seven collisions: including five in the city and two outside the city.

23 driving complaints: Including eight in the city and 15 outside the city.

Six assaults.

12 thefts including; three thefts from motor vehicles; one theft of bicycle and two shoplifting.

10 mischief to property.

One drug seizure.

14 false alarms and false 911 calls.

S/Sgt Barry Graham is Cranbrook RCMP Detachment Commander

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