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Cranbrook RCMP Report
The following is a synopsis of calls received by Cranbrook RCMP for the week (from 6 a.m.) Oct. 30 to 6 a.m., Nov. 6.
Police handled 140 calls for service throughout this week.
Among the calls police handled…
Two impaired drivers – alcohol.
25 collisions: seven in town / 18 out of town. All incidents mostly due to weather conditions and in some instances of persons not driving to the conditions. Luckily all involved either property damage and/or minor injuries).
10 Mental Health Act calls with one apprehended and one assistance to East Kootenay Regional Hospital.
Three assault complaints: One involving siblings/ one involved co-workers and one where the assailant and victim were known to each other; the assailant was arrested and charged.
11 thefts reported including: five for shoplifting; theft of an auto: one report but unfounded. Three thefts from vehicles: three reported with tools and couple of iPhones stolen. In all cases, vehicles were left unlocked. Two ‘other’ thefts.
Two break and entesr to residences: One was unfounded and one was in a unit where an occupant left a door unlocked and a pair of sunglasses were taken.
Two reports of property damage: one report was unfounded and one was domestic in nature.
Six false alarms / false 911 complaints.
– S/Sgt. Hector Lee is Cranbrook RCMP Detachment Commander