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Home » Gas leak near Laurie Middle School stopped

Posted: November 28, 2019

Gas leak near Laurie Middle School stopped

UPDATE: (As per 3 p.m. from City of Cranbrook)

The gas leak has been stopped. Emergency personnel are now clearing the scene. Fortis to complete repairs by 4 p.m. then visit those affected to relight all affected appliances.

Cranbrook Fire & Emergency Services along with City of Cranbrook Public Works and Fortis BC are on scene at a gas leak on 2nd Street South and 17th Avenue this morning.

Crews are working diligently to resolve this incident as safely and quickly as possible.

This incident is adjacent to Laurie Middle School, and the staff and students are safe at this time.

We are working with School District No. 5 to coordinate our efforts for the continuation of the regular school day. Traffic will be interrupted on 2nd street south until the situation has been resolved.

Please avoid any unnecessary travel to that area at this time. Updates will be shared as they come from site.

Lead image: The red dot notes the location of the gas leak, in relation to Laurie Middle School. Map courtesy City of Cranbrook

City of Cranbrook

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