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Posted: September 20, 2023

CSAR conducts area familiarity hikes

By Cranbrook Search and Rescue

Area familiarity hikes are a type of practice that we do regularly. During these hikes, new members get to explore spots that are common places that we respond to.

For the members who are already familiar with these areas, it is a good refresher.

Besides spending a beautiful evening outside (during sunset), it also allows us to look at these areas from a different perspective. Questions we often ask each other are: “would a helicopter be able to land here?”; “do you think our side-by-side could make it all the way to this spot on the trail?”;”what would the most logical route be when we have to carry somebody out of here on the stretcher?”

Recently we got to do one of these familiarity hikes. This time we explored some of the trailheads of Mount Baker and hiked about one-third up.

Area familiarity hikes are also great fun, as we get to spend time together and socialize, instead of executing a task or learning during a classroom session.

A little friendly reminder – In case of an emergency call 911 or activate your SOS beacon ASAP.

Cranbrook SAR is a non-profit organization and fully run by volunteers. Your help and donations are of great help. Please consider making a donation or joining as a volunteer.

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