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Home » Family affair to start year at Cranbrook Arts

Posted: January 4, 2018

Family affair to start year at Cranbrook Arts

It’s a Family Affair at Cranbrook Arts and what a beautiful sight it is!

Yvonne Vigne and her four daughters have their paintings on display for the month of January. What a very talented group of ladies – a must see.

Yvonne was born and raised in the Kootenays and graduated from the Kootenay School of Art. She is a long time Cranbrook resident and is currently the President of Cranbrook and District Arts Council. Those of you who frequent the Arts Council Gallery and Gift Shop will be familiar with Yvonne’s beautiful paintings. However, to see them on display with her daughters’ work is a treat!

Yvonne’s daughters, Monique Cudbertson, Nicole Vigne, Frances Slywka and Rachelle Golding all love to paint like their mother, but they each have their own styles. For a sneak peak check out the Cranbrook Arts website –

You are welcome to meet these artists on January 13 from 2-4 p.m. in the Gallery at 1013 Baker Street, Cranbrook. Please come and show support for our local artists.

January also brings two new workshops with it. January 20 is the next in our series of Felting Workshops with Barb Guillen. These are always well attended and a lot of fun, plus you get to go home with a fabulous silk and felt scarf. There are a few seats left, but not many.

January 27 is the next workshop in Fabric Dyeing with Wendy Murdoch. Come and learn how to create an original Tulip pattern of Wendy’s. It’s gorgeous.

Both workshops take place at the Manual Training Centre attached to the Cranbrook Public Library. Please call, email or drop in to the Cranbrook and District Arts Council to register or request information. We are open Tuesday to Saturday 11-4:30. [email protected]

Cranbrook and District Arts Council

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