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Home » Fishing regs at Idlewild updated as park re-opens

Posted: June 6, 2017

Fishing regs at Idlewild updated as park re-opens

Idlewild Lake is now under a new fishing regulation, following a province-wide change in 2015, in an attempt to make the lake and others more child and youth friendly.

The new regulation – Youth/Disabled Accompanied Waters – means that fishing at Idlewild is open to a disabled B.C. resident, or anyone under the age of 16, and can also be accompanied by up to two adults of any age, provided the adult holds a valid B.C. angler’s license.

The provincial fishing regulation changes came to light following the release last week of over 1,300 rainbow trout into Idlewild Lake thanks to Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC.

For more information about the 2017-2019 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis – Region 4 – Kootenay.

Meantime, changes in the water levels at Idlewild should continue to remain steady as the runoff has slowed over the past couple of weeks.

Idlewild Park is open for public access; however residents and visitors can expect periodic closures or access restrictions over the summer as the park upgrades continue.

A number of other projects are scheduled for Idlewild this summer, including a new viewing pier, a family pavilion, a full accessible trail, washrooms and playground.

To stay up to date on the park work happening at Idlewild this summer, check out our project webcam.

Lead image: A father and daughter enjoy time fishing at Idlewild Lake. e-KNOW file photo

City of Cranbrook

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