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Food Bank Society rezoning application underway
City of Cranbrook council July 13 passed the first reading of an official community plan (OCP) Bylaw Amendment, which will rezone property belonging to the Cranbrook Food Bank Society.
The city received an application from Ken Wellington on behalf of the Cranbrook Food Bank Society to amend the OCP and zoning bylaw designations of their properties located at 104-8th Avenue South.
Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment No. 4009, 2020 will change the designation of the properties from “Core Commercial” to “Low Density Residential” and facilitate rezoning of the property.
The site had been used as the Food Banks’ distribution location; however, the society has successfully been granted funding from Columbia Basin Trust to build a new combination warehouse and distribution centre at a new location.
The warehouse is currently located in the industrial area with distribution being downtown. It is further noted that the property is zoned commercial; however, there is no interest from a sales perspective for commercial purposes. At this time, there is an accepted offer from a residential buyer.
Development Services’ Rob Veg noted in a report to council, “Staff has referred the application to the Building, Engineering and Emergency Services departments for comment. No comments or concerns have been noted at the time of writing this report. Staff does not have concerns with changing the OCP designation of the subject properties from a land use perspective; however, during a future review of the city’s OCP, this area should be looked at to determine whether it is still a reasonable reality that the lots on this block will become a commercial part of downtown.”
Read the full staff report and application.
Lead image: A map noting the subject properties. From City of Cranbrook report