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Home » In favour of a deer cull

Posted: July 27, 2013

In favour of a deer cull

Letter to the Editor

I am definitely in favour of a deer cull.

1. I do not believe that deer should live in a city and that they will be much healthier in wilderness areas where natural predators will keep the numbers under control.

2. When I moved to this city I did not expect to have to spend $4,000 fencing my place so that I could grow a garden. I would tell anyone planning to move here to consider the deer problem if they like to garden.

3. This past few weeks I had a deer become very aggress when out walking my small dogs on leash.

a. This was near Highlands Elementary School, which increases the risk of children in that area.

b. My dogs were not showing sign of aggression and there was no fawn in the immediate area.

c. The second time this same deer came running up from behind me and if my dog had not barked I might not have been able to avoid this animal. She did not have a fawn in the immediate area this time either.

4. I pay taxes here and find it very annoying if I am unable to walk my dogs on the streets.

5. I feel too many people have watched too many Bambi moves. Life, especially nature, is not all cute little deer. Have you ever watched a lion kill an antelope? It’s not pretty, but that is real life for these animals. Some people complain about hunting but in the article you mention that a bullet is the best way to kill a deer. Perhaps too many people have lost touch with where their food comes from. Cute cows and cuddly sheep? Whether we like it or not we are carnivores and lets face facts in a realistic way.

So yes I am in favour of a cull and total remove of deer from the city.

Sheila Reynolds,


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