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Innes reconstruction highlights city’s 2021 road works
Reconstruction and upgrades to Innes Avenue will be the largest road improvement project in a busy capital construction program for Cranbrook in 2021.
City staff had previously identified this road as an emerging priority, and with the impacts from the major residential development now underway by Broadstreet Properties, it was determined that this summer would be the right time to complete the work.
“Innes Avenue will be widened and upgraded to accommodate the increased traffic volumes expected in the area. Major storm sewer upgrades, both within the new development and along the road, will be constructed to minimize stormwater impacts,” said Mike Matejka, Manager of Infrastructure Planning and Delivery for the city.
“These upgrades include an in-ground stormwater containment system within the development engineered to control the flow of water leaving the site, as well as a Stormceptor treatment unit that works to remove pollutants and prevent trash and debris from entering the waterway downstream.”
A new sidewalk will also be installed from 11th Street South to Wattsville Road to help improve pedestrian safety in the area that sees a lot of activity due to proximity to schools and Elizabeth Lake.
Altogether, the investment in city infrastructure along Innes will be close to $2 million, with Broadstreet Properties paying for the road upgrades along the front of their property as well as a major contribution to the offsite stormwater improvements.
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City of Cranbrook