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Home » Jessica Romeo hired as 2017 Water Ambassador

Posted: June 20, 2017

Jessica Romeo hired as 2017 Water Ambassador

Free irrigation assessments will be available beginning early July

The City of Cranbrook’s annual summer Water Conservation education program will see a new face at the helm, with the addition of Jessica Romeo as the official 2017 Water Smart Ambassador for Cranbrook through into late August.

“I am excited to be working with the City of Cranbrook over the next few months, as the Water Smart Ambassador,” said Romeo. “I look forward to sharing information with the community about water conservation and strategies that can be applied to help reduce water consumption over the summer season.”

Free irrigation system assessments for both residential and commercial water customers will be available again this year, on a first come first serve basis. The public is encouraged to take advantage of the free assessments. Information about how to sign up for an assessment will be made available in the next few weeks.

Jessica will also help residents understand the importance of outdoor water conservation and will work with them to get the most out of the water they do use. Watering your lawn just because it is your watering day is wasteful and unnecessary and can damage your lawn. Watering deeply and infrequently encourages roots to grow deep and means your grass will stay greener and healthier longer, and not need as much watering. In the long run, reducing your outdoor water use reduces the city’s costs in needing to treat and transport water to your home.

“I am very happy to have Jessica join our team as our Water Ambassador this summer,” said Chris Zettel, Corporate Communications Officer for the City of Cranbrook. “We have had many wonderful Ambassadors the past few years and she is a perfect fit for this role. I am hopeful our residents will welcome Jessica with open arms.”

For more information about the Ambassador program and the city’s overall water conservation, including your outdoor watering days and times, visit our website.

Lead image: Cranbrook’s Phillips Reservoir. e-KNOW file photo

City of Cranbrook


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