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KCA launching first year of high-school grad program
Kootenay Christian Academy (KCA) is excited to announce the launch of Grade 10 registration for the 2021-22 school year. This Grade 10 launch marks the first year of a three-year roll out, rounding off a full graduation program offered at the school.
Registration is currently open for all grades, Pre-K through Grade 10.
Over the past few years, the Middle School program at KCA has grown considerably with more and more families choosing to have students stay through Grade 9.
“We have been preparing for the right time to roll out a graduation program at KCA. With our largest Grade 9 class in the history of the school and solid enrolment in both Grade 7 and 8, we are positioned perfectly to launch this program for the 2021-22 school year,” said Principal Wendy Zurrin.
Kootenay Christian Academy has a reputation for a commitment to academic excellence. This commitment has led to the top-ranking position amongst Cranbrook and area schools according to the 2020 Fraser Institute Report.
“The flexible and personalized, student-led learning model offered at KCA prepares students as the next generation of leaders; encouraging them stay engaged with their education,” said Zurrin “Now, we are delighted to serve students through graduation connecting them directly with post-secondary opportunities in pursuit of their diverse talents and abilities.”
KCA offers Preschool through Grade 10 programs that fulfill B.C. Ministry of Education curriculum requirements and are taught by BC Accredited Teachers. What truly sets Kootenay Christian Academy apart is a whole-student approach to education inspiring students to pursue excellence in academics, moral character and service to others.
“This launch is the result of lengthy discussion and careful consideration by KCA board and administration. We recognize the importance of the program that KCA offers students and look forward to extending our program to Grade 12 in order to better serve Cranbrook and area families,” added Board Vice-Chair, Jennifer Bird.
Registration is open to the public now and forms can be obtained online at kcacademy.ca.
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Kootenay Christian Academy