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Home » Learn about Cranbrook Food Action initiatives Friday

Posted: April 28, 2021

Learn about Cranbrook Food Action initiatives Friday

The Cranbrook Food Action Committee is speaking on its many initiatives this Friday, April 30 at noon.

They are making the time in the midst of moving Cranbrook Food Recovery to its new location to connect with the community. See more details below.

And sunshine and COVID-safe, senior friendly outdoor activities are on their way!

Cranbrook Better at Home and the Cranbrook Food Action Committee are joining forces this growing season to bring Social Connections Senior Lunches and other enjoyable activities to the Cranbrook Public Produce Garden (Eric MacKinnon Park, behind Hot Shots Cafe, 18th Ave N between 8th and 6th Streets S).

The project has already caught the interest of Cranbrook and District Arts Council, who will be among other individuals and organizations to co-host inspiring, intergenerational activities at the Garden.

Funded by a Federal grant from the New Horizons for Seniors Program, the Growing Together Garden Collective will provide opportunities for volunteer Garden Ambassadors to welcome newcomers to the Garden and to co-create and host a season full of relaxing, entertaining, inspiring events. Everyone is welcome!

Rides may be available through Better at Home’s DRIVE Program and some activities will be recorded for viewing at home. At-home activities like patio gardening will be offered for those who are unable to get out.

This program presents a unique opportunity to introduce people to the bounty of the Garden (free, fresh produce), skill-building gardening workshops, social lunches and “socially distant” fun activities.

What would YOU like to see happen? Rock painting? Line dancing? Art in the Park? Dance and musical performances?

Let us know! We’d love your ideas and your help to make it happen.

For more information: Kristen Amy (778-517-5447 [email protected]

Please join the talk via ZOOM. Passcode: CCL

Or join by phone: 1-647-558-0588. Meeting ID: 245 009 9271

Photos submitted by Cranbrook Food Action Committee


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