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March 8 public hearing for subdivision application
City of Cranbrook council is holding a virtual public hearing March 8 for zoning amendment bylaws covering a rezoning and subdivision application for a property at 4A – 11th Street South.
Terpsma Land Development Consulting, on behalf Kan-West Solutions Ltd., has applied for an amendment to the City of Cranbrook Zoning Bylaw to enable consideration of rezoning and subdivision of the property.
Council Feb. 8 passed the first two readings of Zoning Amendment Bylaw Nos. 4033 & 4034 and a public hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Monday, March 8.
The city Engineering and Development Services department report to council notes: “The Official Community Plan (OCP) supports the efficient use of existing infrastructure, infill development, and the intensification of land uses in areas that are identified as underdeveloped. Staff note that adjacent property uses are primarily low-density residential designation, with park/ institutional/recreation land uses to the south and the medium density, multi-family designation Broadstreet development to the north. There is also a mix of residential zoning use designations in the immediate area including R-1, RD, R-2 and R-7 zones.
“Staff has no particular concerns with the proposed residential zoning changes or use. However, staff is concerned with setting a precedent by reducing parcel sizes for subdivision each time that the size requirements of a respective zone cannot be met.”
Read the city Engineering and Development Services report.
Map from City of Cranbrook council agenda package