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Home » New stairway handrails coming for WFP arena

Posted: February 6, 2024

New stairway handrails coming for WFP arena

City staff at Western Financial Place (WFP) are anticipating delivery and installation of new stairway handrails in the arena later this year.

City administration updated council Monday, February 5.

“A practical handrail design is ready which we think will accommodate the needs and improve the safety of our patrons at Western Financial Place,” said Trevor Thors, Director of Recreation and Culture for the City of Cranbrook. “Once the capital budget is approved, we will be awarding the contract.”

Like many capital projects in recent years, there is some risk of delays around materials and manufacturing, but the city is expecting the handrails will be in place well before the end of the year at the latest.

e-KNOW file photo

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