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Home » The Purple Pirate coming to Key City Theatre

Posted: January 29, 2018

The Purple Pirate coming to Key City Theatre

Looking for the perfect Family Day adventure?

The Magic Pirate Ship is a magical pirate adventure that includes storytelling, magic, and lots of audience interaction. Using lighting, sound, and special effects, the Purple Pirate transports the audience onto his magic pirate ship where extraordinary things occur. Pirate mythology and storytelling provide the backdrop to explore the treasures of friendship and sharing. Adventure awaits the audience who get to be part of the Pirate crew as he steers his ship in the direction of fun and laughter.

The Purple Pirate’s Magic Pirate Ship is an adventure for the whole family.

Dustin Anderson is an award-winning Children’s Performer and he sails into Cranbrook on February 12 with a positive message of Courage, Compassion, and Curiosity. The Purple Pirate has been featured in over 20 local, national, and international newspapers, magazines, and television for his show FUN-damentals of Fitness and his work promoting active living.

Key City Theatre and Western Financial Group are proud to present The Purple Pirate on Monday, February 12 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Tickets are $10 and are available at the Key City Theatre Box Office 250-426-7006 and online at


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