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RCMP encourage residents to adopt the 9 p.m. routine
Cranbrook RCMP is encouraging a 9 p.m. routine for residents in Cranbrook to help guard against becoming victims of crime.
The 9 p.m. routine is designed to remind residents to remove valuables from your vehicles, lock your vehicle doors, lock the doors to your homes, garages, and sheds, turn on exterior lights and activate all alarms and security systems, police explained
Setting a nightly reminder on your smartphones or other devices will help remind you to follow the 9 p.m. routine. In a short period, this will become a positive new habit and help ensure a safer, more secure community for everyone.
This is an important habit to get into especially as we head toward the summer season.
“Cranbrook RCMP has seen a recent increase in theft from vehicles with the warmer weather,” said Cst. Katie Forgeron.
“Thieves generally look for easy targets. Many thefts from vehicles occur because of vehicles being left unlocked,” added Forgeron. “Thieves walk through neighborhoods, trying vehicle door handles, hoping to find an unlocked vehicle. The best way to prevent vehicle burglaries is to remove all your valuables, lock your vehicle’s doors upon exiting and take the keys to the vehicle inside your residence.”
Since January, 2020 the online crime reporting tool has also been made available to residents in the community of Cranbrook.
Residents and business owners, with a valid email address, will be able to use the online crime reporting tool to report less serious crimes that occur in their communities where there is no suspect or witness and follow up by a police officer is not necessarily required.
To make a report, please go here.
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