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REALM presents ICE Awards
REALM (Realize Empowerment Access Life to the Maximum) October 10 held the first ICE (Inclusive Community Employer) Awards.
We would like to recognize all employing champions for being inclusive. Employee’s stated their employers are understanding, flexible, compassionate, kind, caring and respectful. The employing champions excel in treating people equally and recognizing that each person hired has a unique asset that adds value to their team. These champions are being open-minded, providing customized positions that highlight each person’s ability.
They mentor in improving work skills/attributes and provide real work for real pay. Having supportive employers and co-workers makes us feel that we are a part of a team, family, accepted and included.
Most importantly, employees value their employers because they took a chance on us; they know we are capable.
2019 REALM ICE Nominees
Hot Shots Café
ABC Restaurant
The Paw Shop
Tim Hortons
Home Depot
Fisher Peak Fitness
High Point Plumbing and Heating
Kootenay Roasting Company
Kimberley City Bakery
The Cranbrook Townsman
COBS Bread Bakery
JJ’s Laundry Depot
Max’s Place
Blade Runners
Spring Honda
Affordable Floors
And the winners are….
Community Mentor – Fisher Peak Fitness
Being a Community Mentor for inclusion role model. Taking the extra step towards inclusion that can be emulated by others.
Sponsored by e-KNOW (No photo)
Accessibility – JJ’s Laundry Depot
Making employment attainable for all and recognizing the uniqueness of all people.
Sponsored by CLBC

Amanda Schafer of Realm Presented to JJ’s Laundry Depot (not present)
Innovative Career Builder – Spring Honda
Diversifying in an innovative way to create pathways to employment opportunities.
Sponsored by Kootenay Employment Services

Authentic Leader – The Paw Shop
Being a genuine employer who, while striving through their core values, believes that who they employ are what makes their business a true success.
Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Cranbrook

The Emboldened Visionary – Kimberley City Bakery
The bold visionary who looks forward to the future while challenging obstacles of society while equalizing and enriching the community at large. It’s more than being a visionary, it’s creating opportunities for employment that translates into real valued citizenship.
Sponsored by REALM
Eric Forbes Kimberley City Bakery presented by Kama Taylor O’Grady (Also lead image)
We want to thank everyone that took the time to nominate for the 2019 realm ice awards. If any employers were missed, we hope to see your name for the 2020 REALM ICE Awards!