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Home » Remember to license your dog or cat through DocuPet

Posted: September 11, 2024

Remember to license your dog or cat through DocuPet

Public use of the City of Cranbrook’s DocuPet pet licensing has been fantastic since its launch earlier this spring, however it is important that all dog and cats are licensed annually to help support animal safety and allow missing pets to quickly and easily be returned home where they belong.

The city’s partnership with DocuPet, launched in April, also includes a complimentary 24/7 lost pet service with the purchase of a license. Every DocuPet tag is equipped with the HomeSafe lost pet service technology. All tags are equipped with a unique code on the back, linking directly to the pet’s secure online profile and allowing for the dog or cat to be back at home in minutes. As well, the city’s partnership with DocuPet include 24/7 dispatch staff to help reunite lost pets with their families.

“We know there are still a large number of unlicensed animals in Cranbrook, and we encourage those pet owners who haven’t licensed their pets yet to go online and register,” said Paul Heywood, Manager of Building and Bylaw Services. “This is an effective system to help identify pets and get them home quickly and safely – much faster than those pets picked up who are unlicensed.”

The cost to license a dog is $30 (sterilized) or $60 (non-sterilized), while the cost to license a cat is $15 (sterilized) or $30 (non-sterilized) as per the city’s Animal Control Bylaw. Dog and cat licenses are valid for one year (365 days) from the time of purchase.

To license your dog or cat or to learn more about DocuPet and the City’s pet licensing, visit

City of Cranbrook

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