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Repeated freeze thaw cycles playing havoc with city streets
Roadways right across Cranbrook are experiencing a tougher than usual late winter due to frequent rain and repeated freeze thaw cycles.
Public Works continues to staff additional shifts to deal with any remaining snow and ice events, as well as trying to keep up with troublesome potholes on major routes. These repairs are unfortunately temporary in nature until warmer weather and hot mix asphalt arrives.
“On a positive note, some of the biggest problem areas are slated for full resurfacing projects this summer, including Slater Road and the Theatre Road and McPhee Road intersection,” said Mike Matejka, Manager of Roads and Planning. “Victoria Avenue, which is also seeing some significant pavement deterioration, is scheduled for a multi-year reconstruction project starting in 2023.”
Like many other jurisdictions, the city has tried various winter patching materials over the years but none of them hold up well to heavy traffic loads and the type of moisture conditions we are seeing. Even if the patches only last days or weeks, it is the city’s responsibility to keep up the patching work in an effort to maintain safe passage until a longer-term repair can be completed.
Public Works uses its work order management software to track the worst areas such that major repairs and resurfacing budgets target the sections of road that are causing the most maintenance issues.
As warmer weather approaches, the city is also monitoring overall road strength in anticipation of implementing seasonal load restrictions.
“These load restrictions are meant to alleviate the impact of the heaviest commercial and industrial traffic during the time when the road structure is at its weakest, typically just after the frost comes out of the ground and the soils remain very saturated,” Matejka added.
You can help staff stay on top of the necessary pothole repairs by reporting them using the 311 app or by phoning 311.
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City of Cranbrook