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Posted: January 12, 2017

Rock-climbing rec site application cool with RDEK

A proposal to establish a BC Recreation Site south of the Perry Creek Old Town area meets with the approval of the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) board of directors.

After reviewing a Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations referral, Jan. 5 and 6, the board agreed it has no issues with the proposal as it will help support a diversified tourism sector.

The East Kootenay Climbing Association (EKCA) has made a Crown land application pursuant to Section 57 of the Forest and Range Practices Act to designate an 11 ha area in the Old Town area, northwest of Cranbrook, as a BC Recreation Site. The proposal is to establish and maintain a 0.2 km access trail to an existing 11 ha rock-climbing location and to manage and maintain the rock climbing routes. The area is intended to be open for public use.

A RDEK planning department report on the referral states the Recreation Site designation will give Recreation Sites and Trails BC the needed tools to engage with the East Kootenay Climbing Association in the ongoing improvements and recreation management in the area. It states that the East Kootenay Climbing Association will enter into an active partnership agreement with Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC) for stewardship of the access trail and climbing area.

ā€œThe East Kootenay Climbing Association is currently securing a “bolt” fund which will be used to replace ‘suspect’ or ‘dangerous’ bolts and anchors with new hardware which will improve the general safety of the area. The designation of this recreation site will allow the East Kootenay Climbing Association to apply for other grant opportunities to continue working toward improving and maintaining rock climbing locations in the area,ā€ the report noted.

The Electoral Area C Advisory Planning Committee also voted to support this application.

Ian Cobb/e-KNOW

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