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SAR assist with medical emergency
On March 2, Cranbrook Search and Rescue (SAR) assisted BC Ambulance and Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services with a person who suffered a serious leg injury.
The location, although not far from Cranbrook, was difficult to access. The patient was stabilized by first responders but removal and transport from the area presented some challenges. SAR was able to engage Bighorn Helicopters (pictured), which flew in with two SAR members. Team members also attended by ground.
The helicopter was able to land close by and the team loaded the patient. He was flown to a safe accessible location and transferred to BC Ambulance. And subsequently transported to East Kootenay Regional Hospital, Cranbrook SAR reported on social media.
“The combined response by all the agencies resulted in the safe extraction and transport to a proper medical facility.”
Cranbrook Search and Rescue photo