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Posted: September 10, 2015

Single Parent Employment Initiative

September is an exciting month for B.C.’s single parents. A new initiative is underway to assist single parents on income or disability assistance to gain long-term sustainable employment and economic independence.

The BC Single Parent Employment Initiative is focused on addressing and breaking down the unique barriers that single parents face when trying to gain full time employment.

In addition to the current services and supports available through the Employment Program of B.C., single parents may also be eligible for:

– Up to 12 months of funded training for in-demand jobs or a paid work experience placement;

– Child care costs covered while participating in the program and throughout the first year of employment;

– Transit costs to and from school; and

– If you are a single parent assessed as needing training in order to gain employment in one of today’s in- 
demand occupations, you will be able to continue receiving income assistance for up to 12 months while participating in approved training.

As well, through recent changes to the province’s income assistance program, all families on income assistance will also be eligible for:

– Increased earnings exemption; from $200 to $400 per month, or $300 to $500 per month for individuals with a child with disabilities; and

– Supplemental health coverage for a full year after they leave income assistance for employment. (dental, optical and premium-free Ministry of Health MSP and Pharmacare.) 
If you would like to speak with us personally, please contact us today!

client eligibility

All single parents who are on income or disability assistance are eligible to participate in the SPEI program.

First steps

The first step is to book an appointment with their local WorkBC Employment Services Centre.

The program took effect September 1; however, eligible individuals can begin working with their local WorkBC Employment Services Centre sooner and do not need to wait until September to begin. A formal referral is not required. 
The Employment Program of British Columbia is funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia.

EK Employment

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