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Home » Six-storey project proposal heads to public hearing

Posted: October 5, 2021

Six-storey project proposal heads to public hearing

City of Cranbrook council last night set the stage for a 71-unit, six-storey apartment building proposal to go to public hearing.

Council passed second reading of a proposed amendment of the Official Community Plan (OCP), and first and second reading of a proposed amendment to the zoning of a property at 1716-4th Street North.

Applicant West Urban Development proposes to construct a 71-unit, six-storey multiple family residential building.

“The project will provide a long-term rental option, close to shopping, cycle/walking trail, and within walking distance of transit routes and the downtown,” a city Engineering and Development Services report noted.

The applicant seeks to change the land use designation of the property from “Medium Density Residential” to “High Density Residential.”

The OCP designation change will enable subsequent consideration of rezoning the property from “Medium Density Multiple Family Residential Zone: R-5,” “Mobile Home Park Residential Zone: R8” and “Single Family Extended Residential Zone: R-1” to “High Density Multiple Family Residential Zone: R-6.”

The subject property at 1716 – 4th Street North, is 1.5 acres in size.

The city report noted that if the rezoning is successful, the applicant will require a Development Variance for a reduced parking requirement from two parking spaces to 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit.

“Staff feel the OCP and rezoning application meets the objectives and intent of the Official Community Plan policies and Housing Needs Study for residential development,” the staff report stated.
A public hearing is scheduled on these proposed amendments on Monday, October 25 at 6 p.m.

City of Cranbrook staff report images


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