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Home » Stars on Ice inspires a magical afternoon in Cranbrook

Posted: December 21, 2022

Stars on Ice inspires a magical afternoon in Cranbrook

By Erin Knutson

Stars on Ice brought magic to the East Kootenay as a star-studded ensemble led the way through an enchanting afternoon at Western Financial Place in Cranbrook, on Sunday afternoon.

“This is one of the biggest events we’ve hosted this year,” said Trevor Thors, General Manager, Venues and Events for the City of Cranbrook.

The packed occasion boasted holiday cheer as guests enjoyed the best in ice skating.

Stunning performances awed and inspired as graceful skaters completed their routines uninterrupted and, for the majority, with flawless grace.

Canadian figure skater Elvis Stojko, three-time World champion (1994, 1995, 1997) and two-time Olympic silver medalist, was in attendance.

He was greeted by boisterous applause and well-wishers standing on the sidelines with roses to honour the world-renowned hero and homegrown athlete.

Also in attendance was Canadian favourite and long-time champion Kurt Browning.

Browning was the first skater to land a ratified quadruple jump in competition. He is also a four-time World Champion and a Canadian national champion.

Browning and Stojko were joined by a host of other top professional skaters who delighted with solid performances and uplifting musical pieces accompanying great skating while bringing Christmas magic to all who attended.

Angelic skating by groups, singles, and doubles enchanted and took fans onto the ice with their heroes as they glided across the glassy surface with choreographed lighting and to the aplomb of and resounding clapping that filled the arena.

“We are incredibly pleased with the turnout – this is a great event for Cranbrook,” said Thors.

Lead image: Canadian figure skating legend Elvis Stojko performs at Western Financial Place Dec. 11. Erin Knutson/e-KNOW photos


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