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Posted: February 5, 2024

Survey opens for recreation and culture service review

A review of the City of Cranbrook’s Recreation and Culture Services is underway, with a public survey now open for residents, businesses, and community groups to provide their input.

The survey is available to respond to online from Monday, February 5 through to Friday, March 1. For those who wish to participate and do not have access to a computer, the internet or simply prefer a paper copy, surveys can be picked up and returned to Cranbrook City Hall, the Cranbrook Public Library, or the pool desk at Western Financial Place.

The city is working to identify ways in which recreation and culture services can be further delivered in an effective and efficient way. This project, along with results from the public survey will help develop a well- supported report that will set the foundation and be a guide for the city’s Recreation and Culture department to move forward successfully.

Two virtual community input workshops are also scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, from 6 to 7:15 p.m., and Tuesday, February 27, from 1:30 to 2:45 p.m.

Please register at least a day in advance to get a copy of the presentation slides.

Input from all voices in the community is vital for this project to be a success. If you aren’t able to take part in any of the workshops or the survey, but want to share your thoughts, please contact our consultant Cassandra Gilmore by March 1 at [email protected].

For more information about the Recreation and Culture Service Review, a link to the survey, information on the virtual workshops and more can be found at

City of Cranbrook

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