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Terrorism, not vandalism
Letter to the Editor
I see a lot more terrorism than vandalism with the long string of cases wherein a self-anointed group sets itself up as above the law. (‘Vandalism ends deer cull in Cranbrook,’ e-KNOW, March 6.)
An organized gang is coordinating criminal acts against local governments and the provincial government that dare to conduct a public safety program of culling urban wildlife.
This gang knows best; the public and their elected councillors have to give in to this band of outlaws or suffer the consequences. Consequences of harassment in Invermere; 10 traps stolen out of the Ministry of Environment’s padlocked compound and burned; traps vandalized in Kimberley, Elkford and Cranbrook. Now on March 5, a further four expensive traps had their nets cut, while the traps were on private property.
Charges should be many: Interference with a lawful activity, criminal destruction of government property, accessary to crime, aiding and abetting, and criminal trespass.
When I read “if you support the cull, you support cruelty to animals,” it’s messianic, delusional and ignorant. In psychiatry, anthropomorphism, the attribution of human motivation to animals, is considered a problem.
We have room in our jails and mental institutions for persons who are crying out for such. And we very much need to swiftly protect our democratic way of life from the delusionals who wish to dictate.
William G. Hills,