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Posted: February 17, 2019

Testing, treatment and harm reduction

ANKORS opened an office in Cranbrook in September of 1999. ANKORS is an acronym for “AIDS Network Resource and Support Services.”

The Vision: Individual and community wellness for all.

The Mission: ANKORS’ mission is to respond to the evolving needs of those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and other blood borne pathogens: and to foster healthy informed communities.

Three strategies involved in responding to these Blood Born Infections, (BBI) are in Testing, Treatment and Harm Reduction.

The communities of the East Kootenay have been highly involved in participating in the issues that come with these Blood Bourne Pathogens. Medication is so effective in lowering the viral load of HIV in a person’s system; they cannot pass on the virus. In order to get on the medication, one needs to confirm their HIV status and this requires a blood test.

A doctor’s referral for a blood test is one option available to identify the presence of this virus in your system. If a doctor is not available, the Health Outreach Nurse is possible: 250-919 7736. Testing can also be found through or 1-866-778-7736.

The Medical Lab at the Tamarack Mall now provides testing for HIV. A doctor’s requisition or care card are not required.

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medical response to prevent HIV transmission for those who may be at risk for receiving this virus. The leading behaviour identified with the spread of HIV in B.C. is through Men Having Sex with Men (MSM). PrEP is now available free through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. For more information.

It is possible to stop the transmission of HIV in the near future!

This is also true for Hepatitis C (HCV). The medication and treatment for this virus has advanced radically in the last few years. HCV is now considered curable. People are not required to stop addictive behaviour to be eligible for medication. Treatment is much shorter with fewer or no side effects.

HCV can now be eliminated!

The message is; if you think you may have a blood borne infection, get tested, get on treatment. Often the biggest barriers are the myths about these virus’ that are still believed and no longer true.

There are other transmission factors. Identifying the behaviours that pass on BBI’s is valuable. Reducing the risk factors involved in these behaviours is helpful. This is known as “Harm Reduction.”

Actions most involved in transmission occur in some sexual activity and drug use. These behaviours can be addictive and repetitive. Reducing the frequency of these activities, changing them, cleanliness and new equipment are all strategies considered in Harm Reduction.

Finding resources in communities that could help change habits and/or provide new and clean equipment to reduce BBI transmission is not always easy. Great information can be found at Public Health, East Kootenay Addiction Services, Family Centres and ANKORS.

Reducing overdose deaths and awareness of fentanyl and naloxone are strategies all citizens should be aware of. comes through the BC Centre for Disease Control.

Information regarding sexual orientation and sexual activity are difficult to find. Options for Sexual Health has a clinic in the Family Connections building at 209 16th Ave South every Wednesday evening 6:30 -8:30. p.m Options also hosts the Sex Sense Phone Line, 1-800-739-7367 and online.

More information at the Canadian AIDS Information Treatment Centre.

Other sites to find information include: Transgendered Issues.

Find out what is available in your community and spread this information into your peer group. If you or someone you know is using drugs, try not to use alone or behind locked doors. Know where there is a phone and a naloxone kit.

Follow the Cranbrook Social Planning Society Facebook page to stay informed about issues in your community, meeting details and activities are posted often.

The next meeting of the society is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19 starting at 10 a.m. in the Chamber of Commerce meeting room, 2279 Cranbrook Street North, parking across the street, please enter from the side door

Our thanks to the Chamber for providing such a great place to hold our meetings. Join us to learn of community services, activities and ways you can be involved.

Cranbrook Social Planning Society

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