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Posted: November 28, 2015

The game store

Kyla leadMommy’s Weird

By Kyla Cornish

My seven-year-old daughter was recently invited to a birthday party. I asked the mother if her son would like a gift card for his birthday. She said “yes” and suggested a store.


Easy peasy. I have averted the dreaded, “Oh, now I have two of these” moment that happens at every kid’s birthday.

So off Bot and I go to grab the gift card.

Here’s the thing.

It was a gaming store.

Bot has never been into a gaming store.

Bot doesn’t have an iPad.

Bot doesn’t have an iPhone.

Bot doesn’t have a gaming device of any sort.

Bot turns five in a few weeks.

Bot was in heaven.

Bot wants to go back.

Sorcery, I tell you.


Hey, thanks for being here. Don’t forget to subscribe over to the right where it says, “Follow the Weirdness” and toss in your email. It makes me happier then Leo DiCaprio was when he got his big break on Growing Pains.

Also, if you dug this story you should probably read…

Bot hating music

Bot coming to my pap smear

Bot thinking that me and Zed are brother and sister

Bot dealing with a dumb Mom at the park

Kyla Cornish is a “retired” radio Dj adjusting to being a Momma of two children. Main problems? Lack of sex, sleep sanity and an addiction to saucy chicken wings. Kyla has been published in a series of funny blogger ebooks, ‘Life Well Blogged.’ She has also been recognized as one of the Top 25 Funny Moms in Canada and US by Circle of Moms. Then she was kicked out of that contest for cheating. Kyla appeared on the Los Angeles-based television show FabLife on Monday, November 2. She also won a baking competition when she was 11 at a 4-H Rally. Find Kyla here: and follow on twitter @mommyisweird

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