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Home » Toastmaster ‘Trying for success’ in Nanaimo

Posted: May 2, 2013

Toastmaster ‘Trying for success’ in Nanaimo

District 21 International Speech contestant comes from Cranbrook

David Farrell at the Area 36 contest in Golden where he walked away with both trophies, International Speech and Evaluation Contests.
David Farrell at the Area 36 contest in Golden where he walked away with both trophies, International Speech and Evaluation Contests.

On May 3-5 the Toastmasters District 21 Conference will take place in Nanaimo. During that weekend David Farrell, a member of Cranbrook Phoenix and Cranbrook First Toastmasters will be representing Division C, Area 36 and his local club in the International Speech Contest. David was in Vernon April 20 to compete in the Division C contest, which won him the right to go on to the District level.

David’s inspirational speech is titled ‘Try for Success.’

David returned to Toastmasters after a several year hiatus and has come back a solid speaker and evaluator. His local Toastmasters wish him all the best as he goes forward.

Cranbrook Phoenix Toastmasters

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