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Home » Wayne Stetski named Courage to Lead Champion

Posted: September 8, 2021

Wayne Stetski named Courage to Lead Champion

Wayne Stetski

Cranbrook resident Wayne Stetski, the NDP candidate for Kootenay-Columbia, was one of nine candidates selected as a “Courage to Lead Champion” by the national advocacy group Lead Now.

Lead Now announced their selection on September 1, from the more than 2,000 federal political candidates running across the country, of those who they believe “are ready to prioritize a bold and just economic transition that invests in programs and infrastructure that build a just and climate safe future for all.”

“Our best shot at tackling the intersecting crises,” said Lead Now, referring to the post COVID-19 economic recovery, and the transition to renewable energy sources – “is if we can elect courageous leaders — who not only recognize the scale of these issues, but will rise up to respond with emergency-level action.”

“It is an honour to demonstrate the ‘Courage to Lead.’ For 30 years I’ve been championing action on climate change, first while I was the regional manager for BC Parks and Environment in the Kootenays, then as Mayor of Cranbrook, and finally as your Member of Parliament between 2015-2019. This issue has defined my professional career and personal commitment to the people of the Kootenays for three decades,” said Stetski.

During his four years in Parliament, Stetski was Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. He helped negotiate a resolution which resulted in new status protecting the Jumbo Valley (Qat’muk) as an Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area, ending the 25-year campaign by environmental groups to stop the ill-conceived Jumbo Glacier Resort project.

Stetski also participated in the Columbia River Treaty Negotiations and helped support the Secwepemc and Ktunaxa Nations in their long-range project to “Bring the Salmon Home” to the Columbia River.

“We need an entirely different paradigm and approach to the environment. Making decisions with the real understanding that we have finite resources and a planet that needs our support,” said Stetski, while on a campaign stop in Nelson.

Stetski says he’s looking forward to participating in a number of climate focused debates in the next week: “I think it’s really important for voters to understand what they are getting when they vote for either myself, or Mr. Morrison. With the Conservatives you get a party that doesn’t even believe in human-caused climate change and (wants to) roll back Canada’s commitment to tackling greenhouse gas emissions.”

“With Jagmeet and me, you get a party dedicated to a just, equitable transition that ensures we meet our international obligations while putting workers first and foremost as we create new, green energy jobs across the country,” Stetski said.


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