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Home » Youth, biking and Joseph and Sharon Cross celebrated

Posted: September 29, 2021

Youth, biking and Joseph and Sharon Cross celebrated

As we move through this pandemic and witness mental health and other challenges, our community continues to come together with connection, care and contribution.

On a beautiful sunny afternoon Saturday, September 25, members and guests of the Rotary Club of Cranbrook Sunrise gathered at Rotary Park.

President David Savage (above) facilitated the outdoor (physically distanced) afternoon with a focus on youth, healthy families and The Foundry.

Local comedian Berny Klassen had people laughing as he shared stories about challenges.

Then Dr. Andrea Ingram spoke, and another health care professional who wrote to Sunrise, about the daily risks and real-life challenges that health care professionals have faced for eighteen months and continue to face in our community.

Dr. Ingram and the anonymous contributor encouraged our continued friendship, outreach, volunteering, and an active lifestyle.

A key highlight for the gathering was former Sunrise Presidents Al Dyck and Ursula Brigl presenting Joseph and Sharon Cross with the Paul Harris Award for their support of Sunrise Rotary, The Foundry, the Kootenay Rockies Gran Fondo, our Community Forest and much more.

Frank Vanden Broek, another past President, highlighted the success of the Raffle in support of The Foundry and presented the East Kootenay Foundation for Health (EKFH) with the funds raised to date from the raffle (over $16,000).

As the Gran Fondo could not be held this year, the raffle for The Foundry was yet another way Sunrise Rotary is contributing to the wellbeing of the people of Cranbrook area.

EKFH Chair Mike Calder accepted the cheque and spoke about the critical need for The Foundry.

The afternoon continued with Dr. Andrea Ingram sharing how our two Cranbrook Rotary Clubs have opened an Interact Club for students (middle and high school level) to engage, support, challenge and activate our next generation of leaders. Currently, students at Baker, Laurie and Parkland are starting their Interact groups.

GoByBike Cranbrook was highlighted by Sunrise President Elect Mel McFarlane. Her Sunrise Committee has taken Cranbrook to third highest participation in British Columbia (based on the spring ride results). GoByBike Fall edition is two weeks starting September 27 with a Spot the Sign Fun Challenge.

The conclusion of the afternoon in the park was individual Sunrise Rotarians contributing several hundred more dollars for local and international causes.

David Savage’s concluding comment was “Change one life and we change our shared future.”

Joseph Cross’ stunning work.

Learn more about Sunrise Rotary and how you may add your energy to our area.

Lead image: Rotary club members present $16,511 to EKHF’s East Kootenay Foundry project. The funds were raised from a raffle of a Joseph Cross original. The lucky winner donated the painting back to Rotary for it to continue to raise funds with.  Photos by Ian Cobb/e-KNOW


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