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Posted: December 7, 2023

Anti-hate fund grant applications now open

Community organizations throughout British Columbia that have experienced or are at risk of experiencing hate-motivated crimes are encouraged to submit grant applications for the Anti-Hate Community Support Fund.

Financial support from the fund will be provided to places of worship, cultural community centres and other at-risk groups such as 2SLGBTQ+ organizations. Funding can be used for security equipment, graffiti removal and repairs to damaged property as part of community efforts to respond to hate-motivated crimes.

Up to $500,000 is available through the Anti-Hate Community Support Fund, and organizations can receive as much as $10,000 per grant application. Organizations with more than one location may submit applications for up to three sites.

Applications opened Nov. 28 and remain open until March 31, 2024, or when available funds have been allocated. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General noted.

Information on how to apply to the grant program can be found on the B.C. government website.

The Anti-Hate Community Support Fund is made available through the civil forfeiture office, which works to remove profits from unlawful activity by taking away the proceeds from and assets used in criminal activity to reinvest them in community safety and crime-prevention initiatives.


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