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Home » Applicants wanted for new BC RCMP Auxiliary Program

Posted: April 3, 2024

Applicants wanted for new BC RCMP Auxiliary Program

The BC RCMP today announced the launch of a new tiered Auxiliary Program, welcoming new applicants and former Auxiliaries to re-engage.

The Auxiliary Program was subject to a comprehensive review in 2016, in light of an evolving police landscape and a number of tragic events across the country. Following an extensive consultation with Auxiliaries, provincial, territorial, municipal and other partner agencies, changes to the program adopting a tiered system were introduced in 2018.

The RCMP temporarily suspended the Auxiliary Program nation-wide, allowing provinces and territories time to review which tier of service is appropriate for their Auxiliaries to participate in, and roll out those amendments at their own pace.

On February 15, 2023, the province of B.C. and the BC RCMP signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the new BC RCMP Auxiliary Program at the highest level (Tier 3), applicable only to jurisdictions policed by the RCMP.

Under the direct supervision and in physical accompaniment of a uniformed police officer with the BC RCMP, Auxiliaries may perform the following Tier 3 activities:

  • All activities under Tier 1 and 2 which include non-enforcement support to operations, various community programs, traffic control and disaster assistance;
  • Operational patrols;
  • Attending calls;
  • Check stops;
  • Searches of persons as directed by a uniformed police officer;
  • Scene security.

More information on the three different tiers of service can be found on the National RCMP Auxiliary Program website.

“The BC RCMP is proud to be leading the way across the country of re-engaging Auxiliaries back in the field. They provide extremely valuable support to our frontline officers in all the communities we serve here in British Columbia. This volunteer opportunity is an excellent way to experience policing and I highly encourage anyone who has ever thought of law enforcement as a career to apply,” stated S/Sgt. Jagmeet Dandiwal, Acting Officer in Charge of BC RCMP Community Policing Services.

“This has been a long-awaited return of the program. As with all our volunteers, our Auxiliaries have always played an important role in supporting our community safety outreach efforts. They have been greatly missed over the years, so we are excited to bring them back into the RCMP family,” added Deputy Commissioner Dwayne Macdonald, Commanding Officer of BC RCMP.

Auxiliaries are unarmed, specially trained volunteers. They must be at least 19 years of age, and willing to commit to the program for a minimum of two years.

For more details on qualification requirements and how to volunteer for the Auxiliary Program, please contact your local BC RCMP Detachment.


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