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B.C.’s COVID-19 update for January 18
B.C. is reporting 1,975 new cases of COVID-19 January 18, for a total of 301,121 cases in the province.
Note: The numbers of total and new cases are provisional due to a delayed data refresh and will be verified once confirmed.
There are 37,167 active cases of COVID-19 in the province, and 258,417 people who tested positive have recovered. Of the active cases, 854 COVID-positive individuals are in hospital and 112 are in intensive care. The remaining people are recovering at home in self-isolation.
The new/active cases include:
* 478 new cases in Interior Health (total active cases: 5,580);
* 731 new cases in Fraser Health (total active cases: 18,271);
* 503 new cases in Vancouver Coastal Health (total active cases: 9,727);
* 88 new cases in Northern Health (total active cases: 1,374);
* 175 new cases in Island Health (total active cases: 2,200).
In the past 24 hours, two new deaths (Fraser Health) have been reported, for a total of 2,492.
There have been nine new health-care facility outbreaks at Village at Smith Creek (Interior Health); CareLife Fleetwood, Menno Hospital, Buchanan Lodge, St. Michael’s Centre, Eden Care Centre (Fraser Health); Veterans Memorial Lodge, Sunset Lodge and Sidney Care Home (Island Health). The outbreaks at Eagle Ridge Hospital, The Oxford Senior Care Home, Chartwell Crescent Gardens, AgeCare Harmony Court (Fraser Health), Selkirk Seniors Village and Selkirk Village Assisted Living (Island Health) have been declared over, for a total of 53 facilities with ongoing outbreaks.
As of Tuesday, Jan. 18, 89.3% (4,448,921) of eligible people five and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and 83.4% (4,157,150) have received their second dose.
In addition, 92.4% (4,282,675) of eligible people 12 and older in B.C. have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, 89.7% (4,156,635) have received their second dose and 34.3% (1,591,505) have received a third dose.
Also, 92.8% (4,011,947) of all eligible adults in B.C. have received their first dose, 90.1% (3,898,949) have received their second dose and 36.8% (1,590,246) have received a third dose.
From Jan. 10-16, people not fully vaccinated accounted for 24.9% of cases. From Jan. 3-16, they accounted for 32.3% of hospitalizations.
Past week cases (Jan. 10-16) – Total 14,922
* Not vaccinated: 3,086 (20.7%)
* Partially vaccinated: 629 (4.2%)
* Fully vaccinated: 11,207 (75.1%)
Past two weeks cases hospitalized (Jan. 3-16) – Total 796
* Not vaccinated: 215 (27.0%)
* Partially vaccinated: 42 (5.3%)
* Fully vaccinated: 539 (67.7%)
Past week, cases per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Jan. 10-16)
* Not vaccinated: 412.5
* Partially vaccinated: 179.8
* Fully vaccinated: 318.1
Past two weeks, cases hospitalized per 100,000 population after adjusting for age (Jan. 3-16)
* Not vaccinated: 52.3
* Partially vaccinated: 34.1
* Fully vaccinated: 11.6
Since December 2020, the province has administered 10,158,329 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Paediatric COVID-19 vaccines.
Lead image: Cranbrook’s Immunization Clinic is now in the Cranbrook Mall. Carrie Schafer/e-KNOW photo