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Home » CKHS announces Harley raffle winners

Posted: January 18, 2020

CKHS announces Harley raffle winners

The Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society (CKHS) sends out a big thank you to all of the people who purchased tickets for the 2019 Harley fundraising raffle.

CKHS receives all the proceeds of the raffle which allows the organization to continue their support to individuals and their families who are dealing with terminal illness diagnosis. These services are provided free of charge.

This is the seventh consecutive year that the Hospice Society has held the annual raffle. Since 2013, the raffle has raised over $125,000.

The funds raised through this raffle go directly to funding Hospice programs, volunteer training and continuing education along with the coordination of hospice and bereavement services. There are many opportunities for volunteers to give back to the communities we serve and to support Hospice. Whether you are in need of our services or want to volunteer you can reach our office at 250-417-2019 or email [email protected].

On behalf of the CKHS Board of Directors, our thanks go out to the many businesses, sponsors and supporters of this annual event, including our valuable volunteers who gave their time and expertise to ensure the continued success.


FIRST PRIZE 2019 HARLEY – Chris Johnston from Kimberley.

SECOND PRIZE $5,000 – Valerie Ward from Cranbrook.

Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society

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