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Cranbrook District 4-H Year in Review
By Tom Jung and Cranbrook District
The 2016/2017 4-H year has been busy for all our 4-H members.
It all began in September where two members, Hannah and Cassie, performed a Speak & Show at the Kootenay Fall Fair. We kicked off the year right, with our annual camp held at Rock Lake. This year our four District clubs Elk Valley, South Country, Wasa & District and Cranbrook Multi Club, offered a combination of some of the following projects Fibre arts, Crafts, Sewing, Foods, Small Engine, Beef, Sheep, Swine, Horse, Rabbit and Cloverbuds.
In November, we held our Project Beef weigh in where we weighed in 17 steers and three heifers. In February we held our Swine and Sheep weigh in where we weighed in 12 swine, eight Market lambs and four ewe lambs. During the winter our member worked on their projects preparing for their achievement days in the spring and fall.
In March we held our Regional Public Speaking and the Senior winners were Mackenzie H,. Emily L., and Hannah B, and the Junior winners were Emily M., Anisa S., and Alyssa T.
In May we held our Regional Rally Day at Fort Steele. This was where some members achieved in their projects by performing dress revue, and preparing craft, food and educational displays. All members judged different aspects of their projects and provided written and oral reasons for their selections.
Overall top judges were 1st place Megan S, 2nd place was Owain R and 3rd place was tie between Kelly G & Emily M for our juniors and for our seniors 1st place was a tie between Emily L & Brooklyn G, 2nd place Josie M and 3rd place was Julia A. This event was attended by Cranbrook and Creston clubs. Our members worked hard. Congratulations to Hannah B who won for Educational Display.
The foods members displayed their cookies and cupcakes to be judged, congratulation to the winners for 1st place, Chris G and 2nd place Avery D for Juniors and 1st place Ethan B and 2nd place Rosie J for seniors. Congratulations to our Craft 4H Project members, 1st place Kelly G, 2nd place Avery D , 3rd place was a tie between Jeremy & Zhaniia for juniors and 1st place Brooklyn G and 2nd place Rosie J for seniors. There were 3 members who modelled what they had sewn this year, congratulations Kelly G for 1st place and Avery for 2nd place for juniors and Brooklyn G for Seniors. The Cloverbuds were very active that day under the great leadership of Tanya. Thank you to everyone for volunteering and making our day a success. Thank you to Columbia Basin Trust for sponsoring our event.
On May 13 we had a Tailgate party to help promote our upcoming Show and Sale at Cranbrook Dodge. Thank you to Arby’s and Cranbrook Dodge for their support.
The rest of May is spent preparing our animal projects for our Show & Sale on June 4 at Wycliffe Exhibition Grounds.
On June 4, we will be showing all our animal projects and be selling our market projects. For sale will be 16 Beef, eight lambs and 12 swine.
Come out and help support our members and see what they have accomplished this year and help celebrate Canada 150 with us. Thank you to all our sponsors, leaders, parents and alumni for making our 4-H program a great success. 4-H helps build strong leaders.
This year we tried something different we created a Facebook page and a website to help promote our clubs. Check it out at www.cranbrookanddistrict4h.com or on Facebook @cranbrookanddistrict4h